Finding your Correct Family & House from the 1700s
We pride ourselves on finding your exact family house to within ten yards. The records in Ireland were badly destroyed in the 1922 Civil War and yes you will run into difficulties but that is where we can step in and assist you. We have access to some of the best genealogy databases in Ireland.
It is imperative to note we will stand over our findings with all the necessary facts available. It is also important to note that what you will provide to us must be factual by this we mean, an approximate date for Birth/ Baptism/ Marriage or Death which will then lead us to the exact document substantiating the evidence.
The Exact house
Finding the exact house for your family is our specialty and this will always be substantiated with facts. Many people come to Ireland and visit a County only where they believe their family may have come from. At My Ireland Family Heritage we believe you are special and deserve to achieve this once in a lifetime experience.
Cathy Bartok’s retrieves a stone from Monsignor Strain family Home in mid 1800s see her story and many more fantastic story’s on our Personalized Genealogy research page.
Your Irish connections to your Family are important we at My Ireland family Heritage feel you need to really walk where your family walked, touch the stones of an original home, visit the correct church, pay your respects in the correct graveyard and YES possibly even meet with original family.

Once you Travel to Ireland it is very difficult to find your families Townland as townlands can be up to 2500 aces and have absolutely no markings telling you what or where that townland is. It’s no coincidence that ” all” family townland experiences are achie
The delight for us as a Team is finding your family, leading us to your original family House, and the magic
Finding the Correct Church
Having found the Townland for your family which can be up to 7,000 acres in Ireland. We must now find not just the Civil Parish identified on your records but the correct Church.
On your records you may see a Civil Parish this most likely is not the Church your family used for Marriage/Baptisms and weekly use.
For example North Tipperary has 78 Civil Parishes and South Tipperary has 115 Civil Parishes all may be Church of Ireland the ruling church up to Catholic emancipation in 1829. Not with standing that Borders of Parishes and Counties often cross over one another. All of these Churches will have separate Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodists Churches and each area may have a number of churches under the Civil Parish.
We find the exact Church your family used and substantiate this with facts and local knowledge. We also endeavor to find the local Church/Mass Rock from the 1600s onwards.
If you fail to find your Family in Ireland we have many options for you including a Customized Tour based on where your family would have been based in the 1600s. Our Data Base can identify exact Parishes in the 1600s for 75% of Irish /Scottish and English names.
Finding the Correct Graveyard
Having found the correct Church (not the civil parish) used by your family it is now our priority to find the correct graveyard. This knowledge is found based on where local families decide to bury their dead, closest to your Townland. This may be in a graveyard locally from the 1700s or the 1800s. This is information we will find prior to your visit by written facts or speaking with locals which we achieve at reconnaissance stage.